Schedule - all classes with Dawn
11:30am - Doors open for warm-up & socializing (the restaurant opens at 12 for food and drink)
12:00 - 1:10 - Challenging Your WCS - Advanced topics and skills - limited space and invite only (if interested, please read the prerequisites carefully and email if you have questions -
prerequisites: you probably have been dancing at least a minimum of 2.5 to 3 years consistently and you are social dancing regularly. You have a growth mindset and know the value of connection and have redone your basics and fundamentals countless times. You know beyond everything listed as a prerequisite for the Technique class (see below)1:30 - 3:30 - Technique w/ Dawn - level 2 and up for experienced West Coast Swing dancers -
prerequisites: dancing a minimum of 6 months consecutively in WCS right side pass, left side pass, whip, cut-off whip, sugar push, sugar tuck, free spins, compression, tension, tethering, counterbalance, mixing fluidly 6 count and 8 count rhythms, posting, basic musicality and basic ideas of phrasing3:30 - 4:30 - Social dance practice - open to all
Full Day Pass
(in order to register for the Full Day, you must qualify for the Adv class)
• $50 by Feb 17th
• $60 after Feb 17th
A La Carte
12:00 -1:10 - Advanced class only and practice session = $25 / person
1:30 - 3:30 - Technique session and practice session = $40 by Feb 22nd
Additional Details
Our classes do not require a partner as we usually rotate in group classes.
We encourage people to rotate to learn the art of social dancing. We do not force this, but think it is important for learning and growing as a dancer. It is a great way to meet people.